Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Colts/Chargers Playoff Game 2009

Since Merrials football team the Cowboys didn't make it to the playoffs and my awesome team the Broncos didn't either. Merrial was able to go to the Colts/Charger Playoff Game while we were in California over the holidays. He was on the 4th row and could spit on the players if he wanted to.

Merrial never smiles with his teeth showing, he must really be having a good time.

This is Merrial with my Uncle Christian.

Kacie my Aunt and Christian her husband are the ones that took Merrial to this awesome game.

When they bought the tickets, it said that there was a slight obstruction. But when they got there it was just the cheerleaders.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome!!! I think any guy would kill for seat's that close to the field for ANY game!! And as for the obstruction. I'm sure most guys wouldn't find that as an obstruction, atleast not an inconvenient one anyway. (Ha, Ha) What a great aunt and uncle to take Merrial along with them.

Anonymous said...

How cool is that? Rett wouldn't think that was an obstruction...more like an extra bonus!! :)

Anonymous said...

Shan, those are great pictures. I can't believe Merrial is showing teeth in that picture! It looks like he had a ball!